Research Articles
This section contains scientific research and other scholarly articles related to Chinese medicine which may be of interest to patients, students, and other healthcare providers.
“Acupuncture: a promising treatment for depression during pregnancy”
Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 83, Issue 1, 15 November 2004
Conclusion: Acupuncture holds promise for the treatment of depression during pregnancy.
"Traditional Chinese Medicine May Benefit Some Heart Disease Patients"
The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, June 12, 2017
WASHINGTON (Jun 12, 2017) - Traditional Chinese medicine might be effective as a complement or alternative to traditional Western medicine for primary and secondary prevention of heart disease, according to a state of the art review paper published today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Volker Scheid, “Promoting free flow in the networks: Reimagining the body in early modern Suzhou” History of Science 56.2 (2018): 131-167.
Yet another amazing article from scholar-physician Volker Scheid. I've had the honor and good fortune to know Volker since we met in Shanghai back in 2009 or so, and there are few in the West, or even in China, who can match his scholarly works. He's also a superb clinician, and an incredibly kind and humble person.